Hancock SDK client
This lib depends on ES6 Promises that are native in node. But you have to polyfill it in some browsers using es6-promise
This package is distributed as a npm package:
# with npm
npm install --save es6-promise hancock-sdk
# or using yarn
yarn add es6-promise hancock-sdk
Using all together
The main client is the HancockEthereumClient class. You have to instantiate it passing an HancockEthereumClient configuration object to indicate the client which hancock service it has to use.
Configuration object example:
const config = {
adapter: {
host: 'http://localhost',
port: '3000',
base: '/'
wallet: {
host: 'http://localhost',
port: '3000',
base: '/'
broker: {
host: 'ws://localhost',
port: '3000',
base: '/'
- In node:
const HancockEthereumClient = require('hancock-sdk').HancockEthereumClient
new HancockEthereumClient(config);
- In browser:
We need to include the ethereumjs-tx module as an external deependency before the sdk:
<script src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ethereumjs/browser-builds/master/dist/ethereumjs-tx/ethereumjs-tx-1.3.3.min.js"></script>
And then use the sdk as an ES6 module (or in module bundlers like webpack)
import * as es6Promise from 'es6-promise';
import { HancockEthereumClient } from 'hancock-sdk';
new HancockEthereumClient(config);
Introduction and examples
HancockEthereumClient provides interfaces to interact with the blockchain allowing common operation like transfers, balance consulting or smart contract interactions. Take a look at the diferent sections of the docs to see examples of use:
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