Hancock SDK client


Main interface to interact with Hancock's ethereum interface:

@param config Configuration of Hancock (Adapter, Broker, WalletHub, DLT Node)

    HancockConfig config = new HancockConfig.Builder()
                    .withNode(AppConstants.ETHEREUM_NODE_HOST, AppConstants.ETHEREUM_NODE_PORT)
                    .withAdapter("https://hancock-url.es", "/dlt-adapter", 443)
                    .withBroker("ws://hancock-url", "", 80)
                    .withWallet("https://hancock-url.es", "/wallet-hub", 443)
	new EthereumClient(config);


All services included in Ethereum client.

    public EthereumClient(HancockConfig config) {

        this.protocolService = new ProtocolService(config);
        this.walletService = new EthereumWalletService(config);
        this.transactionService = new EthereumTransactionService(config);
        this.transferService = new EthereumTransferService(config, this.transactionService);
        this.tokenService = new EthereumTokenService(config, this.transactionService);
        this.smartContractService = new EthereumSmartContractService(config, this.transactionService);


SmartContract Service

Consult SmartContract Service to get a description about the functionality.

Token Service

Consult Token Service to get a description about the functionality.

Transaction Service

Consult Transaction Service to get a description about the functionality.

Transfer Service

Consult Transfer Service to get a description about the functionality.

Wallet Service

Consult Wallet Service to get a description about the functionality.