Wallet Hub

Wallet hub allows you to send transactions to DLT and to sign the transactions with the help of a sign provider service previously configured.

Sign Transaction

Sends a Raw Transaction (e.g. return of adapted transactions) to a given Signature Provider.

Signature Providers must be registered.

This call returned a response ready to be send to DLT network.

You can see the technical documentation, and an example of the call here.

Send Transaction

Sends a Raw Transaction (e.g. return of adapted transactions) to an Ethereum node capable of signing it.

If successful, it give us a transaction hash to identify the transaction on dlt network, and a set of technical parameters of dlt node.

You can see the technical documentation, and an example of the call here.

Send Signed Transaction

Sends a signed transaction payload to an Ethereum node. The transaction must be signed before.

If successful, it give us a transaction hash to identify the transaction on dlt network.

You can see the technical documentation, and an example of the call here.