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Namespace List
Here is a list of all namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 NreelsThe namespace including everything to simplify using Reels in a c++ application,
 CBinEventPtThe binary representation of an event as stored in a transaction file
 CBinTransactionThe binary representation of a transaction in a transaction file
 CClientsA container class to hold client ids
 CClipsA container class to hold clips (sequences of events)
 CCodeInTreeStatisticsCodeInTreeStatistics: A structure to compute aggregated statistics of for each code
 CCodeScoreItemCodeScoreItem: A structure to sort codes by lift
 CCodeTreeNodeCodeTreeNode: Each node in a fitted CodeTree
 CEventsA container class to hold events
 CEventStatThe metrics associated to an event identified by a BinEventPt
 CImageBlockAn generic block structure to store object state in a Python-friendly way
 CLoggerA minimalist logger stored as a std::string providing sprintf functionality
 COptimizeEvalItemOptimizeEvalItem: A structure to compare predicted and observed
 CStringUsageStringUsage: A pair of String and number of times it is used
 CTargetsA container class to hold target events and do predictions based on clips
 CTimeUtilA common ancestor of Clips and Targets to avoid duplicating time management